sublet's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[12 May 2026|09:25am]
sublet is a post covid-19 slice of life community set in philadelphia, based around a group of people who reside in the same apartment district between the adjacent fishtown and northern liberties neighborhoods. we won't be assigning apartments but we welcome members to plot amongst each other (feel free to use ~pbads) for roommates, neighbors and other fun lines!

we hope to foster an environment where people can explore their creativity in a safe and friendly atmosphere. please remember the basics: keep things ic, don't harass or be rude to others, and all things nsfw should be behind cut tags and clearly labeled with trigger warnings.

to join our community, please have a backdated friends only post, an ic or ooc journal (no underscores, numbers, or extra letters) and an ooc post with screened comments and at least 150 words about your character. if your application is deleted, this means we felt you were not the right fit or did not meet our requirements. you are free to make changes and apply again, however we won't be replying to comments asking why an application was denied.

you must intro within 72 hours after being accepted. members are required to post one update each month of at least 150 words plus one other type of activity which can be anything such as a playlist, moodboard, plot post or ffa, entry on the bulletin board, a lengthy comment thread on someone else's post (with ten or more comments from your character), etc.

there will be activity checks on the middle and last day of each month. these will be in the form of check in posts in ~digest that members must respond to within 72 hours or face removal. we encourage everyone to keep their friends list up to date and while we will not be monitoring friends lists, if we happen to notice yours is very out of date you'll be given one warning and have a day to update it or be removed. exceptions are made in both of these cases for members who are on hiatus.

hiatuses + extensions
a hiatus can be given for a period of up to one week for new members and two weeks for more established members. if you need a longer break, this will be decided on a case by case basis. intro extensions are granted for 24 hours. hiatuses and extensions will only be allowed once every other month, meaning if you received one last month you cannot have another in the current and will have to reapply if you are removed for inactivity.

pb changes
we will allow people to change their character's played-by up to a maximum of two times. please use common sense and do not white wash. requests for a change can be made at the dropbox post but please wait until a mod has approved it before going ahead with changing icons, etc.

as long as you remain active and friendly on the friends page, we do not mind members using wire or other apps. our community will only thrive if everyone continues to be welcoming to new members so we urge you to branch out and comment each other in public spaces as much as possible to create a lively and inclusive environment.